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How To Use Digital PR In Your Content Strategy

5 minutes read

Digital PR & Content Strategy

What is public relations?

When people think about public relations, they often think of large companies and public figures. Many small businesses will already be working on their digital PR, without even realising it. Everything you do as a company will impact your public relations. By establishing what your digital PR strategy is will allow you to create a story for your brand that suits and benefits you.

What is a content strategy?

A content strategy is a plan businesses use to help improve their business goals. A strong strategy will help ensure each step of your customer journey is planned and working the way you want it to in order to improve our goals, whether that’s sales, enquiries, clicks, engagement or awareness.

Your content strategy should include digital PR and the two should work alongside one another and complement each other.

Digital PR creates a cohesive brand story across platforms

An important step in your content strategy is establishing what your story is. Think about your unique selling points and how these are part of your brand. By understanding your story and what makes you stand out you can create a narrative within your strategy that reinforces these points with your customers. Customers and stakeholders often choose to use a company that they feel connected with. Your strategy should include PR to help share your unique story to customers and stakeholders so they’re more likely to use you over your competitors.

Digital PR allows you to plan and measure content for your target audience

Like any content in your strategy, digital PR needs to be planned, executed and measured to ensure the best results for your business. By establishing your target audience, goals and metrics, you can look to create a strategy that sees results that fit your overall business objectives. It’s also important to understand your target audience and develop PR content that will resonate with them. Think about what customers value about your business and why they return. By understanding their needs, you can create messages that help to improve how your customers feel about your brand.

PR makes it easier to work with influencers and partners

We know that digital PR is important for building relationships with local media, partners and influencers (link to ‘How digital PR can support SMEs’ blog post), but building a mutually beneficial relationship with these partners will help you to work with more partners in the future. This creates a steady stream of content across channels about your brand and will increase the reach of your content.

Digital PR allows you to create up to date and relevant content

With the 24 hour news cycle, it’s important to create relevant content within your strategy that will be picked up by the media and will help support your business. It isn’t enough to create one off pieces of content in the hopes of achieving your goals. A steady stream of content that is relevant to your target audience is important to keep their attention and interest in your business. Digital PR allows you to create content that is cost effective and has the best results for you and your audience.

Establishes thought leadership for your brand

Thought leadership can enable you for your area of expertise. By establishing yourself as the leader will make you a powerful influencer and can establish credibility and trustworthiness with your audience. Customers and stakeholders value your knowledge in your field and digital PR allows you to showcase your expertise, making them more likely to use you over your competitors.

Generates leads for your business

Digital PR is a great way to improve your SEO and generate leads for your business. By creating positive PR content, you’ll create more results on search engines for business and improve your reach. By creating regular, relevant content, your business will stay at the top of search results and lead customers to your website. Once there, it’s important to turn these clicks into leads. Customer Relationship Management is great to help you to achieve this.

PR helps your other content stay relevant

Your digital PR strategy should help influence how your broader content strategy looks for your next phase. It’s important to produce content that is relevant to your target audience and for the broader media landscape. By combining your PR and content strategies, you can create themes and messages that are important to your brand’s overall narrative and campaign at the same time. This will also enable you to have a strategy that isn’t trying to compete with the other. A combined strategy will also allow you to amplify parts of your content strategy with digital PR and vice versa. The two strategies will complement each other and help improve your overall campaign performance.

Purple Orbit can help you create, build and implement your digital PR and content strategy. Find out more on how we can help you today.

Thu, 06 July 2023

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