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Get More From Your Data & Get More Sales With CRM


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Make The Most Of Your Data With CRM

Marketing is always changing, and a common conversation we here now is how can business can collect and use data where a lack of cookies and tracking will become the normal.

This will make it harder to attribute digital campaigns like we’ve been used to. This potential reduction in data means that the data you can collect and verify becomes more important than ever.

If you can collect data from your customers, while staying compliant with data protection laws, you have a huge opportunity to market to them, nurture them and increase your conversion rates. An effective, well managed CRM system is the key to this success.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are transforming the way businesses handle customer information and boost sales. If you’re a business owner wondering how to turn your data into more sales, CRM might just be what you need.

What A CRM System Can Do For You

CRM systems are like digital assistants that help you keep track of your customer interactions, sales, and overall business relationships.

The main feature of a CRM is to collect and organise data on your customers, giving you insights into their behaviours, preferences, and buying patterns. This helps you tailor your marketing and sales strategies to meet their needs more effectively which in turn can increase sales.

It also means you’re better equipped as a customer support team. With a CRM, your team has instant access to customer order information and preferences, making it easier to resolve issues quickly. Ultimately, happy customers are more likely to stay loyal customers and recommend your business to others, which can increase your sales.

You can read here to see how a CRM system helped Loanable manage their data.


Who Can Benefit from a CRM?

Almost any business can benefit from a CRM system, but they are especially valuable for:

Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: CRMs help smaller businesses streamline their operations and compete with larger companies without the hefty price tag.

Customer Support Businesses: If your business relies heavily on dealing with customers, for example a call centre a CRM is invaluable. Largely thanks to their organisation benefits they’ll help you to track all of your customer interactions and communication history.

What Features Do You Get In A CRM?

Like all software solutions, there are so many different CRM systems on the market that it can feel overwhelming to find the right one for you.

To help find the right one for you, we recommend focussing on the features that matter the most to your business and going from there. Here are some of the most common features CRMs can offer:

  • Contact Management
  • Lead Management
  • Sales Automation
  • Reporting and Analytics

Arguably the most important part of choosing a CRM is making sure that it will integrate with your existing website and systems including email marketing software, accounting systems, or social media platforms.

If you’re struggling to integrate a CRM into your business, we can help! We have created several API solutions to help businesses connect different parts of their marketing and business suite to a CRM.

What You Can Expect From A CRM

There’s no point in bringing something into your business if it won’t help you, we can confidently say that for every business we’ve helped use and adopt a CRM system it has brought nothing but benefits to their team.

With a properly integrated and used CRM you can expect increased sales, enhanced customer retention and more efficient systems. It is the collect and ease of access to data that brings about these benefits. If you’re currently using something like a spreadsheet or paper system to manage data, you’ll be amazed at the difference a CRM system can make.

How to Get Started with a CRM

Getting started with a CRM doesn’t have to be daunting. Like any significant business change, for success the key is preparation and having a clear process.

To get started you need clear goals, do you want to increase sales, start email campaigns or improve customer service. You need to know the data types you want to collect and have a complete list of all the systems your CRM needs to communicate with.

Before diving into a CRM, consider these points:

  • Is it easy to use? Choose a CRM that is user-friendly and easy to navigate. A complicated system can deter your team from using it effectively.
  • Can this CRM grow with you? Choose a CRM that can grow with your business. It should have the flexibility to accommodate more users, additional features, or integrations as your business expands.
  • Is there customer support available for this CRM? Check the level of support and training provided by the CRM itself. Good customer support can make a big difference in troubleshooting issues and getting the most out of you CRM’s potential.

By improving customer relationships, streamlining processes, and providing valuable insights, a CRM can give you the edge you need in today’s competitive market.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, we’re here to help you get set up with a CRM of your choice and can create custom solutions to integrate your websites and apps with your platform.

For more information on our CRM Integration and Support service, contact our team today.

Thu, 27 June 2024

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