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5 Ways To Get More From Your Email Marketing

5 minutes read

Email Marketing Preston

Email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for a business to communicate with their customers. It’s a channel that still boasts impressive ROI of 40:1 in 2024.

However, to really get the most out of this channel, you need to do more than just send out the occasional newsletter. Here are five ways you can maximise your email performance and get the best results!

1. Use an Opted-In Email List

Imagine trying to talk to a room full of people who have no interest in what you’re saying. It’s not going to end well, right? The same goes for your email marketing. Always use a list of emails that have naturally opted-in to hear from you. This means that your subscribers have actively chosen to receive your emails and given explicit permission for you to contact them.

Not only does this mean they definitely want to hear from you, it also ensures you comply with GDPR regulations, which are crucial for avoiding hefty fines.

Buying email lists might seem like a quick way to grow your audience, but it’s more likely to harm your reputation, deliverability rates and could even see you lose access to the email platform you’re using. Instead, focus on building a quality list of engaged subscribers who actually want to hear from you by collecting emails from transactions, newsletter sign ups and in person events.

2. Always Be Testing Subject Lines, Offers, and CTAs

Think of your email campaigns as a shop window. If it’s not attractive, people won’t bother coming in. The same principle applies to your emails.

Subject lines are the first thing your subscribers see, so make them count. Experiment with different subject lines to see which ones get the best open rates. Using emoji’s, when appropriate, is a great way to draw attention to your email and can help increase the chances a user opens your message.

Make your emails stand out with emoji

Similarly, test various offers and calls to action (CTAs) to see what drives the most engagement. Maybe a percentage discount works better than a fixed amount, or perhaps a free trial gets more clicks than a demo request. Use A/B testing to compare different versions of your emails and refine your approach based on what works best. Your email software may already include the tools to do this!

3. Take Advantage of Email Automation

Imagine having a sales assistant who never takes a day off, never misses a beat, and always sends the right message at the right time. That’s what email automation can do for your business! Set up automated emails for thank you messages, order confirmations, and follow-ups with potential customers. This not only saves you time but also ensures that your customers receive timely and relevant communications.

When combined with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, email automation becomes even more powerful. Your CRM can help segment your audience based on their behaviour and preferences, allowing you to send highly targeted emails that resonate with each recipient at the right moment. If you need help choosing or setting up a CRM system we’re here to help!

4. Test Your Emails on a Range of Devices and Inboxes

It’s important to make sure you aren’t sending emails that only look good on certain devices or email clients.

Make sure your emails are tested across a range of devices and inboxes. This includes popular email clients like Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail, as well as mobile and desktop devices. There are a range of services online that will test your emails on the most popular email platforms and devices. This step is particularly important if you’re adding custom-built elements to your campaigns outside of the typical drag and drop builders most platforms include.

Most people check their emails on their phones, so it’s essential your emails are mobile-friendly. Use responsive design to ensure your emails look great and are easy to navigate, regardless of the device they’re viewed on. Try and avoid large blocks of text, keep the designs light and bright to keep your customs engaged and not switch them off with paragraphs of information.

5. Ensure Everything is Set Up Correctly in Your Email Account

To ensure your emails are delivered and read, make sure your domain is verified and you have the relevant DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records set up.
These records help to authenticate your emails, reducing the likelihood that they’ll end up in spam folders.

They also protect your domain from being used by spammers. It’s a bit of a technical task, but it’s crucial for maintaining your sender reputation and ensuring your emails reach their intended recipients. If you need help setting these up or troubleshooting problems with your emails going to spam we can help!

We can help you design and build emails that generate sales and resonate with your audience, if you need email marketing in Preston speak to us for advice and a free quote.

Remember, email marketing is not just about sending messages; it’s about building relationships. Treat your subscribers with respect, offer them value, and they’ll reward you with their engagement and loyalty!

Sat, 25 May 2024

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